TOP LEFT: Falll colors at Kennebunkport, ME during one of our vacations in 2015.
BOTTOM LEFT: Byodo-In Temple on Oahu, HI. Photo taken on vacation in 2017.
TOP RIGHT: Space Needle and Mount Rainier as seen through sculpture at Kerry Park on Queen Anne Hill in Seattle, WA on an October morning.
BOTTOM RIGHT: Parking area at Paradise on the Southside of Mt. Rainier in Washington state. (car is my pride and joy)

TOP LEFT: Mt. Bachelor from downtown Bend, OR.
BOTTOM LEFT: Another sunset shot from Edmonds across Puget Sound looking west.
TOP RIGHT: Beach and Pacific Ocean north of Ocean Shores, WA.
BOTTOM RIGHT: Another view of Mt. Rainier looking east.

Top Right: 17th green at Apple Tree Golf Course in Yakima, WA. Yakima is one of the top apple-producing areas of Washington.
Bottom Right: Digital copy of print made from 2 1/4 x 2/4 negative. Trees and and lake along Highway 2 near Leavenworth, WA.