TOP LEFT: Yellow and red tulips in Skagit Valley, WA.
BOTTOM LEFT: Montains near Darrington, Wa from the Sauk River road.
TOP RIGHT: Morning fog in October at Darrington, WA.
BOTTOM RIGHT: Olympic Mountains on the Kitsap Peninsula of Washington state across Puget Sound from Everett, WA.

TOP LEFT: Fall colors in New England during 2015 vacation.
BOTTOM LEFT: House near golf course and bird sanctuary in southern British Columbia, CA.
TOP RIGHT: Walker-Ames House in Port Gardner, Washington. One-time home of the managers for the local lumber company and is now, supposedly, haunted.
BOTTOM RIGHT: Lobsterman's boat in Kennebunkport, ME during 2015 vacation

TOP LEFT: Patos Island Lighthouse: northern most lighthouse in Puget Sound of Washington state.
BOTTOM LEFT: waterfalls in northwest Washington state.
TOP LEFT: 10th fairway of Prospector Golf Course near Cle Elum, Washington.
BOTTOM LEFT: Mount Baker as seen from the Lowell Scenic Point in Snohomosh County, Washington.